从源码安装 confluent-kafka-python

从源码安装 librdkafka

# 安装 vcpkg
> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg ~/.local/vcpkg
> ~/.local/vcpkg/bootstrap-vcpkg.sh

# 安装 librdkafka
> ~/.local/vcpkg/vcpkg install librdkafka
  • 设置 include path 和 link path
export CPATH=~/.local/vcpkg/packages/librdkafka_x64-linux/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=~/.local/vcpkg/packages/librdkafka_x64-linux/lib

GCC uses the following environment variables:

  • PATH: For searching the executables and run-time shared libraries (.dll, .so).
  • CPATH: For searching the include-paths for headers. It is searched after paths specified in -I<dir> options. C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH can be used to specify C and C++ headers if the particular language was indicated in pre-processing.
  • LIBRARY_PATH: For searching library-paths for link libraries. It is searched after paths specified in -L<dir> options. 程序编译期查找动态链接库的路径。
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: 程序运行期间查找动态链接库的路径。
  • 安装 librdkafka
pip install -e ~/work/Douban/code/confluent-kafka-python/


2022年03月11日 / 14:34